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Tax Consulting Service


-    Taxation environment frequently changes; authorities adopted more and more Information Technology in taxation management process.

-    The implementation procedure of preferential tax treatment is not transparent; frequent negotiation and coordination among multiple authorities are always necessary.

-    The application packages for Value-added Tax Exemption and Corporate Income Tax Exemption are no longer filed for approval of authorities, but only for reference.

-    The management of non-trade payment is inconsistence in different locations; various internal practice exists on recognition of “Permanent Establishment” and assessment of Deemed Profit Rate.

-    Strict Transfer Pricing and anti-tax avoidance practice are more and more challenging to enterprises.

GFC advantages:

-    Deeply understand clients’ need, in order to provide best industry solution

-    Begin with the end in mind, and emphasize solution execution and risk management

-    Possess strong power of execution and flexibility in problem solving

GFC services:

-    Application for tax exemption and reduction

-    Application for financial subsidy

-    Tax compliance service

-    Non-trade payment

-    Consultancy about the best operation model

-    Transfer Pricing Documentation

-    M&A consulting service

-    Company secretary service

Successful cases:

-    Tax Exemption on Technology Development and transfer Agreements

-    VAT Nil Rate

-    Tax Exemption on Offshore Outsourcing Service

-    R&D Super Deduction

-    Recognition of Advanced Technology Service Corporation

-    Non-trade Payment

-    Due Diligence

-    Subsidy for Regional Headquarters, Operating Centers, etc

-    R&D Center Recognition and Corresponding Subsidy

-    Subsidy of Interest for Technology Imports and Exports

-    Subsidy for Key Technology Renovation Program

-    Consultancy about the Best Operation Model

-    Tax Compliance Service

-    Transfer Pricing

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